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5 years ago
#pragma once
#include <chrono>
#include <set>
#include <queue>
#include "threadpool.h"
#include "forest.h"
#include "spliteval.h"
enum class TrainType : int {
TRAIN = 0,
struct TrainParameters {
TrainType train_type;
int n_trees;
int max_tree_depth;
int n_test_split_functions;
int n_test_thresholds;
int n_test_samples;
int min_samples_to_split;
int min_samples_for_leaf;
int print_node_info;
TrainParameters() :
template <typename SplitFunctionT, typename LeafFunctionT, typename SplitEvaluatorT>
class TrainForest {
TrainForest(const TrainParameters& params, const std::shared_ptr<SplitFunctionT> gen_split_fcn, const std::shared_ptr<LeafFunctionT> gen_leaf_fcn, const std::shared_ptr<SplitEvaluatorT> split_eval, int n_threads, bool verbose)
: params_(params), gen_split_fcn_(gen_split_fcn), gen_leaf_fcn_(gen_leaf_fcn), split_eval_(split_eval), n_threads(n_threads), verbose_(verbose) {
n_created_nodes_ = 0;
n_max_nodes_ = 1;
unsigned long n_nodes_d = 1;
for(int depth = 0; depth < params.max_tree_depth; ++depth) {
n_nodes_d *= 2;
n_max_nodes_ += n_nodes_d;
n_max_nodes_ *= params.n_trees;
virtual ~TrainForest() {}
virtual std::shared_ptr<Forest<SplitFunctionT, LeafFunctionT>> Train(const std::vector<TrainDatum>& samples, TrainType train_type, const std::shared_ptr<Forest<SplitFunctionT, LeafFunctionT>>& old_forest) = 0;
virtual void PrintParams() {
#pragma omp critical (TrainForest_train)
std::cout << "[TRAIN] training forest " << std::endl;
std::cout << "[TRAIN] n_trees : " << params_.n_trees << std::endl;
std::cout << "[TRAIN] max_tree_depth : " << params_.max_tree_depth << std::endl;
std::cout << "[TRAIN] n_test_split_functions: " << params_.n_test_split_functions << std::endl;
std::cout << "[TRAIN] n_test_thresholds : " << params_.n_test_thresholds << std::endl;
std::cout << "[TRAIN] n_test_samples : " << params_.n_test_samples << std::endl;
std::cout << "[TRAIN] min_samples_to_split : " << params_.min_samples_to_split << std::endl;
virtual void UpdateNodeInfo(unsigned int depth, bool leaf) {
if(verbose_) {
n_created_nodes_ += 1;
if(leaf) {
unsigned long n_nodes_d = 1;
unsigned int n_remove_max_nodes = 0;
for(int d = depth; d < params_.max_tree_depth; ++d) {
n_nodes_d *= 2;
n_remove_max_nodes += n_nodes_d;
n_max_nodes_ -= n_remove_max_nodes;
if(n_created_nodes_ % params_.print_node_info == 0 || n_created_nodes_ == n_max_nodes_) {
std::cout << "[Forest]"
<< " created node number " << n_created_nodes_
<< " @ depth " << depth
<< ", max. " << n_max_nodes_ << " left"
<< " => " << (double(n_created_nodes_) / double(n_max_nodes_))
<< " done" << std::endl;
virtual void SampleData(const std::vector<TrainDatum>& all, std::vector<TrainDatum>& sampled, std::mt19937& rng) {
unsigned int n = all.size();
unsigned int k = params_.n_test_samples;
k = n < k ? n : k;
std::set<int> indices;
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> udist(0, all.size()-1);
while(indices.size() < k) {
int idx = udist(rng);
int sidx = 0;
for(int idx : indices) {
sampled[sidx] = all[idx];
sidx += 1;
virtual void Split(const std::shared_ptr<SplitFunctionT>& split_function, const std::vector<TrainDatum>& samples, std::vector<TrainDatum>& left, std::vector<TrainDatum>& right) {
for(auto sample : samples) {
if(split_function->Split(sample.sample)) {
else {
virtual std::shared_ptr<SplitFunctionT> OptimizeSplitFunction(const std::vector<TrainDatum>& samples, int depth, std::mt19937& rng) {
std::vector<TrainDatum> split_samples;
SampleData(samples, split_samples, rng);
unsigned int min_samples_for_leaf = params_.min_samples_for_leaf;
float min_cost = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
std::shared_ptr<SplitFunctionT> best_split_fcn;
float best_threshold = 0;
for(int split_fcn_idx = 0; split_fcn_idx < params_.n_test_split_functions; ++split_fcn_idx) {
auto split_fcn = gen_split_fcn_->Generate(rng, samples[0].sample);
for(int threshold_idx = 0; threshold_idx < params_.n_test_thresholds; ++threshold_idx) {
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> udist(0, split_samples.size()-1);
int rand_split_sample_idx = udist(rng);
float threshold = split_fcn->Compute(split_samples[rand_split_sample_idx].sample);
std::vector<TrainDatum> left;
std::vector<TrainDatum> right;
Split(split_fcn, split_samples, left, right);
if(left.size() < min_samples_for_leaf || right.size() < min_samples_for_leaf) {
// std::cout << "split done " << left.size() << "," << right.size() << std::endl;
float split_cost = split_eval_->Eval(left, right, depth);
// std::cout << ", " << split_cost << ", " << threshold << "; " << std::endl;
if(split_cost < min_cost) {
min_cost = split_cost;
best_split_fcn = split_fcn;
best_threshold = threshold; //need theshold extra because of pointer
if(best_split_fcn != nullptr) {
return best_split_fcn;
virtual NodePtr CreateLeafNode(const std::vector<TrainDatum>& samples, unsigned int depth) {
auto leaf_fct = gen_leaf_fcn_->Create(samples);
auto node = std::make_shared<LeafNode<LeafFunctionT>>(leaf_fct);
UpdateNodeInfo(depth, true);
return node;
const TrainParameters& params_;
const std::shared_ptr<SplitFunctionT> gen_split_fcn_;
const std::shared_ptr<LeafFunctionT> gen_leaf_fcn_;
const std::shared_ptr<SplitEvaluatorT> split_eval_;
int n_threads;
bool verbose_;
unsigned long n_created_nodes_;
unsigned long n_max_nodes_;
template <typename SplitFunctionT, typename LeafFunctionT, typename SplitEvaluatorT>
class TrainForestRecursive : public TrainForest<SplitFunctionT, LeafFunctionT, SplitEvaluatorT> {
TrainForestRecursive(const TrainParameters& params, const std::shared_ptr<SplitFunctionT> gen_split_fcn, const std::shared_ptr<LeafFunctionT> gen_leaf_fcn, const std::shared_ptr<SplitEvaluatorT> split_eval, int n_threads, bool verbose)
: TrainForest<SplitFunctionT, LeafFunctionT, SplitEvaluatorT>(params, gen_split_fcn, gen_leaf_fcn, split_eval, n_threads, verbose) {}
virtual ~TrainForestRecursive() {}
virtual std::shared_ptr<Forest<SplitFunctionT, LeafFunctionT>> Train(const std::vector<TrainDatum>& samples, TrainType train_type, const std::shared_ptr<Forest<SplitFunctionT, LeafFunctionT>>& old_forest) {
auto tim = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto forest = std::make_shared<Forest<SplitFunctionT, LeafFunctionT>>();
#pragma omp parallel for ordered
for(size_t treeIdx = 0; treeIdx < this->params_.n_trees; ++treeIdx) {
auto treetim = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
#pragma omp critical (TrainForest_train)
std::cout << "[TRAIN][START] training tree " << treeIdx << " of " << this->params_.n_trees << std::endl;
std::shared_ptr<Tree<SplitFunctionT, LeafFunctionT>> old_tree;
if(old_forest != 0 && treeIdx < old_forest->trees_size()) {
old_tree = old_forest->trees(treeIdx);
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 rng(rd());
auto tree = Train(samples, train_type, old_tree,rng);
#pragma omp critical (TrainForest_train)
auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto ms = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now - treetim);
std::cout << "[TRAIN][FINISHED] training tree " << treeIdx << " of " << this->params_.n_trees << " - took " << (ms.count() * 1e-3) << "[s]" << std::endl;
std::cout << "[TRAIN][FINISHED] " << (this->params_.n_trees - forest->trees_size()) << " left for training" << std::endl;
auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto ms = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now - tim);
std::cout << "[TRAIN][FINISHED] training forest - took " << (ms.count() * 1e-3) << "[s]" << std::endl;
return forest;
virtual std::shared_ptr<Tree<SplitFunctionT, LeafFunctionT>> Train(const std::vector<TrainDatum>& samples, TrainType train_type, const std::shared_ptr<Tree<SplitFunctionT, LeafFunctionT>>& old_tree, std::mt19937& rng) {
NodePtr old_root;
if(old_tree != nullptr) {
old_root = old_tree->root();
NodePtr root = Train(samples, train_type, old_root, 0, rng);
return std::make_shared<Tree<SplitFunctionT, LeafFunctionT>>(root);
virtual NodePtr Train(const std::vector<TrainDatum>& samples, TrainType train_type, const NodePtr& old_node, unsigned int depth, std::mt19937& rng) {
if(depth < this->params_.max_tree_depth && samples.size() > this->params_.min_samples_to_split) {
std::shared_ptr<SplitFunctionT> best_split_fcn;
bool was_split_node = false;
if(old_node == nullptr || old_node->type() == LeafNode<LeafFunctionT>::TYPE) {
best_split_fcn = this->OptimizeSplitFunction(samples, depth, rng);
was_split_node = false;
else if(old_node->type() == SplitNode<SplitFunctionT, LeafFunctionT>::TYPE) {
auto split_node = std::static_pointer_cast<SplitNode<SplitFunctionT, LeafFunctionT>>(old_node);
best_split_fcn = split_node->split_fcn()->Copy();
was_split_node = true;
if(best_split_fcn == nullptr) {
if(old_node == nullptr || train_type == TrainType::TRAIN || train_type == TrainType::RETRAIN_WITH_REPLACEMENT) {
return this->CreateLeafNode(samples, depth);
else if(train_type == TrainType::RETRAIN) {
return old_node->Copy();
else {
std::cout << "[ERROR] unknown train type" << std::endl;
// (1) split samples
std::vector<TrainDatum> leftsamples, rightsamples;
this->Split(best_split_fcn, samples, leftsamples, rightsamples);
//output node information
this->UpdateNodeInfo(depth, false);
//create split node - recursively train the siblings
if(was_split_node) {
auto split_node = std::static_pointer_cast<SplitNode<SplitFunctionT, LeafFunctionT>>(old_node);
NodePtr left = this->Train(leftsamples, train_type, split_node->left(), depth + 1, rng);
NodePtr right = this->Train(rightsamples, train_type, split_node->right(), depth + 1, rng);
auto new_node = std::make_shared<SplitNode<SplitFunctionT, LeafFunctionT>>(left, right, best_split_fcn);
return new_node;
else {
NodePtr left = this->Train(leftsamples, train_type, nullptr, depth + 1, rng);
NodePtr right = this->Train(rightsamples, train_type, nullptr, depth + 1, rng);
auto new_node = std::make_shared<SplitNode<SplitFunctionT, LeafFunctionT>>(left, right, best_split_fcn);
return new_node;
} // if samples < min_samples || depth >= max_depth then make leaf node
else {
if(old_node == 0 || train_type == TrainType::TRAIN || train_type == TrainType::RETRAIN_WITH_REPLACEMENT) {
return this->CreateLeafNode(samples, depth);
else if(train_type == TrainType::RETRAIN) {
return old_node->Copy();
else {
std::cout << "[ERROR] unknown train type" << std::endl;
struct QueueTuple {
int depth;
std::vector<TrainDatum> train_data;
NodePtr* parent;
QueueTuple() : depth(-1), train_data(), parent(nullptr) {}
QueueTuple(int depth, std::vector<TrainDatum> train_data, NodePtr* parent) :
depth(depth), train_data(train_data), parent(parent) {}
template <typename SplitFunctionT, typename LeafFunctionT, typename SplitEvaluatorT>
class TrainForestQueued : public TrainForest<SplitFunctionT, LeafFunctionT, SplitEvaluatorT> {
TrainForestQueued(const TrainParameters& params, const std::shared_ptr<SplitFunctionT> gen_split_fcn, const std::shared_ptr<LeafFunctionT> gen_leaf_fcn, const std::shared_ptr<SplitEvaluatorT> split_eval, int n_threads, bool verbose)
: TrainForest<SplitFunctionT, LeafFunctionT, SplitEvaluatorT>(params, gen_split_fcn, gen_leaf_fcn, split_eval, n_threads, verbose) {}
virtual ~TrainForestQueued() {}
virtual std::shared_ptr<Forest<SplitFunctionT, LeafFunctionT>> Train(const std::vector<TrainDatum>& samples, TrainType train_type, const std::shared_ptr<Forest<SplitFunctionT, LeafFunctionT>>& old_forest) {
auto tim = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto forest = std::make_shared<Forest<SplitFunctionT, LeafFunctionT>>();
std::cout << "[TRAIN] create pool with " << this->n_threads << " threads" << std::endl;
auto pool = std::make_shared<ThreadPool>(this->n_threads);
for(int treeidx = 0; treeidx < this->params_.n_trees; ++treeidx) {
auto tree = std::make_shared<Tree<SplitFunctionT, LeafFunctionT>>();
AddJob(pool, QueueTuple(0, samples, &(tree->root_)));
while(pool->has_running_tasks()) {
auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto ms = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now - tim);
std::cout << "[TRAIN][FINISHED] training forest - took " << (ms.count() * 1e-3) << "[s]" << std::endl;
return forest;
virtual void AddJob(std::shared_ptr<ThreadPool> pool, QueueTuple data) {
pool->enqueue([this](std::shared_ptr<ThreadPool> pool, QueueTuple data) {
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 rng(rd());
std::shared_ptr<SplitFunctionT> best_split_fcn = nullptr;
if(data.depth < this->params_.max_tree_depth && int(data.train_data.size()) > this->params_.min_samples_to_split) {
best_split_fcn = this->OptimizeSplitFunction(data.train_data, data.depth, rng);
if(best_split_fcn == nullptr) {
auto node = this->CreateLeafNode(data.train_data, data.depth);
*(data.parent) = node;
else {
this->UpdateNodeInfo(data.depth, false);
auto node = std::make_shared<SplitNode<SplitFunctionT, LeafFunctionT>>();
node->split_fcn_ = best_split_fcn;
*(data.parent) = node;
QueueTuple left;
QueueTuple right;
this->Split(best_split_fcn, data.train_data, left.train_data, right.train_data);
left.depth = data.depth + 1;
right.depth = data.depth + 1;
left.parent = &(node->left_);
right.parent = &(node->right_);
this->AddJob(pool, left);
this->AddJob(pool, right);
}, pool, data);