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5 years ago
import numpy as np
from . import geometry
def _process_inputs(estimate, target, mask):
if estimate.shape != target.shape:
raise Exception('estimate and target have to be same shape')
if mask is None:
mask = np.ones(estimate.shape, dtype=np.bool)
mask = mask != 0
if estimate.shape != mask.shape:
raise Exception('estimate and mask have to be same shape')
return estimate, target, mask
def mse(estimate, target, mask=None):
estimate, target, mask = _process_inputs(estimate, target, mask)
m = np.sum((estimate[mask] - target[mask])**2) / mask.sum()
return m
def rmse(estimate, target, mask=None):
return np.sqrt(mse(estimate, target, mask))
def mae(estimate, target, mask=None):
estimate, target, mask = _process_inputs(estimate, target, mask)
m = np.abs(estimate[mask] - target[mask]).sum() / mask.sum()
return m
def outlier_fraction(estimate, target, mask=None, threshold=0):
estimate, target, mask = _process_inputs(estimate, target, mask)
diff = np.abs(estimate[mask] - target[mask])
m = (diff > threshold).sum() / mask.sum()
return m
class Metric(object):
def __init__(self, str_prefix=''):
self.str_prefix = str_prefix
def reset(self):
def add(self, es, ta, ma=None):
def get(self):
return {}
def items(self):
return self.get().items()
def __str__(self):
return ', '.join([f'{self.str_prefix}{key}={value:.5f}' for key, value in self.get().items()])
class MultipleMetric(Metric):
def __init__(self, *metrics, **kwargs):
self.metrics = [*metrics]
def reset(self):
for m in self.metrics:
def add(self, es, ta, ma=None):
for m in self.metrics:
m.add(es, ta, ma)
def get(self):
ret = {}
for m in self.metrics:
vals = m.get()
for k in vals:
ret[k] = vals[k]
return ret
def __str__(self):
return '\n'.join([str(m) for m in self.metrics])
class BaseDistanceMetric(Metric):
def __init__(self, name='', **kwargs):
super().__init__(**kwargs) = name
def reset(self):
self.dists = []
def add(self, es, ta, ma=None):
def get(self):
dists = np.hstack(self.dists)
return {
f'dist{}_mean': float(np.mean(dists)),
f'dist{}_std': float(np.std(dists)),
f'dist{}_median': float(np.median(dists)),
f'dist{}_q10': float(np.percentile(dists, 10)),
f'dist{}_q90': float(np.percentile(dists, 90)),
f'dist{}_min': float(np.min(dists)),
f'dist{}_max': float(np.max(dists)),
class DistanceMetric(BaseDistanceMetric):
def __init__(self, vec_length, p=2, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=f'{p}', **kwargs)
self.vec_length = vec_length
self.p = p
def add(self, es, ta, ma=None):
if es.shape != ta.shape or es.shape[1] != self.vec_length or es.ndim != 2:
print(es.shape, ta.shape)
raise Exception('es and ta have to be of shape Nxdim')
if ma is not None:
es = es[ma != 0]
ta = ta[ma != 0]
dist = np.linalg.norm(es - ta, ord=self.p, axis=1)
self.dists.append( dist )
class OutlierFractionMetric(DistanceMetric):
def __init__(self, thresholds, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.thresholds = thresholds
def get(self):
dists = np.hstack(self.dists)
ret = {}
for t in self.thresholds:
ma = dists > t
ret[f'of{t}'] = float(ma.sum() / ma.size)
return ret
class RelativeDistanceMetric(BaseDistanceMetric):
def __init__(self, vec_length, p=2, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=f'rel{p}', **kwargs)
self.vec_length = vec_length
self.p = p
def add(self, es, ta, ma=None):
if es.shape != ta.shape or es.shape[1] != self.vec_length or es.ndim != 2:
raise Exception('es and ta have to be of shape Nxdim')
dist = np.linalg.norm(es - ta, ord=self.p, axis=1)
denom = np.linalg.norm(ta, ord=self.p, axis=1)
dist /= denom
if ma is not None:
dist = dist[ma != 0]
self.dists.append( dist )
class RotmDistanceMetric(BaseDistanceMetric):
def __init__(self, type='identity', **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=type, **kwargs)
self.type = type
def add(self, es, ta, ma=None):
if es.shape != ta.shape or es.shape[1] != 3 or es.shape[2] != 3 or es.ndim != 3:
print(es.shape, ta.shape)
raise Exception('es and ta have to be of shape Nx3x3')
if ma is not None:
raise Exception('mask is not implemented')
if self.type == 'identity':
self.dists.append( geometry.rotm_distance_identity(es, ta) )
elif self.type == 'geodesic':
self.dists.append( geometry.rotm_distance_geodesic_unit_sphere(es, ta) )
raise Exception('invalid distance type')
class QuaternionDistanceMetric(BaseDistanceMetric):
def __init__(self, type='angle', **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=type, **kwargs)
self.type = type
def add(self, es, ta, ma=None):
if es.shape != ta.shape or es.shape[1] != 4 or es.ndim != 2:
print(es.shape, ta.shape)
raise Exception('es and ta have to be of shape Nx4')
if ma is not None:
raise Exception('mask is not implemented')
if self.type == 'angle':
self.dists.append( geometry.quat_distance_angle(es, ta) )
elif self.type == 'mineucl':
self.dists.append( geometry.quat_distance_mineucl(es, ta) )
elif self.type == 'normdiff':
self.dists.append( geometry.quat_distance_normdiff(es, ta) )
raise Exception('invalid distance type')
class BinaryAccuracyMetric(Metric):
def __init__(self, thresholds=np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num=101, dtype=np.float64)[:-1], **kwargs):
self.thresholds = thresholds
def reset(self):
self.tps = [0 for wp in self.thresholds]
self.fps = [0 for wp in self.thresholds]
self.fns = [0 for wp in self.thresholds]
self.tns = [0 for wp in self.thresholds]
self.n_pos = 0
self.n_neg = 0
def add(self, es, ta, ma=None):
if ma is not None:
raise Exception('mask is not implemented')
es = es.ravel()
ta = ta.ravel()
if es.shape[0] != ta.shape[0]:
raise Exception('invalid shape of es, or ta')
if es.min() < 0 or es.max() > 1:
raise Exception('estimate has wrong value range')
ta_p = (ta == 1)
ta_n = (ta == 0)
es_p = es[ta_p]
es_n = es[ta_n]
for idx, wp in enumerate(self.thresholds):
wp = np.asscalar(wp)
self.tps[idx] += (es_p > wp).sum()
self.fps[idx] += (es_n > wp).sum()
self.fns[idx] += (es_p <= wp).sum()
self.tns[idx] += (es_n <= wp).sum()
self.n_pos += ta_p.sum()
self.n_neg += ta_n.sum()
def get(self):
tps = np.array(self.tps).astype(np.float32)
fps = np.array(self.fps).astype(np.float32)
fns = np.array(self.fns).astype(np.float32)
tns = np.array(self.tns).astype(np.float32)
wp = self.thresholds
ret = {}
precisions = np.divide(tps, tps + fps, out=np.zeros_like(tps), where=tps + fps != 0)
recalls = np.divide(tps, tps + fns, out=np.zeros_like(tps), where=tps + fns != 0) # tprs
fprs = np.divide(fps, fps + tns, out=np.zeros_like(tps), where=fps + tns != 0)
precisions = np.r_[0, precisions, 1]
recalls = np.r_[1, recalls, 0]
fprs = np.r_[1, fprs, 0]
ret['auc'] = float(-np.trapz(recalls, fprs))
ret['prauc'] = float(-np.trapz(precisions, recalls))
ret['ap'] = float(-(np.diff(recalls) * precisions[:-1]).sum())
accuracies = np.divide(tps + tns, tps + tns + fps + fns)
aacc = np.mean(accuracies)
for t in np.linspace(0,1,num=11)[1:-1]:
idx = np.argmin(np.abs(t - wp))
ret[f'acc{wp[idx]:.2f}'] = float(accuracies[idx])
return ret