import torch import numpy as np import time from pathlib import Path import logging import sys import itertools import json import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import co import torchext from model import networks from data import dataset class Worker(torchext.Worker): def __init__(self, args, num_workers=18, train_batch_size=6, test_batch_size=6, save_frequency=1, **kwargs): super().__init__(args.output_dir, args.exp_name, epochs=args.epochs, num_workers=num_workers, train_batch_size=train_batch_size, test_batch_size=test_batch_size, save_frequency=save_frequency, **kwargs) = self.pattern_path = args.pattern_path self.lcn_radius = args.lcn_radius self.dp_weight = args.dp_weight self.ge_weight = args.ge_weight self.track_length = args.track_length self.data_type = args.data_type assert (self.track_length > 1) self.imsizes = [(488, 648)] for iter in range(3): self.imsizes.append((int(self.imsizes[-1][0] / 2), int(self.imsizes[-1][1] / 2))) with open('config.json') as fp: config = json.load(fp) data_root = Path(config['DATA_ROOT']) self.settings_path = data_root / self.data_type / 'settings.pkl' sample_paths = sorted((data_root / self.data_type).glob('0*/')) self.train_paths = sample_paths[2 ** 10:] self.test_paths = sample_paths[:2 ** 8] # supervise the edge encoder with only 2**8 samples self.train_edge = len(self.train_paths) - 2 ** 8 self.lcn_in = networks.LCN(self.lcn_radius, 0.05) self.disparity_loss = networks.DisparityLoss() self.edge_loss = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(pos_weight=torch.Tensor([0.1]).to(self.train_device)) # evaluate in the region where opencv Block Matching has valid values self.eval_mask = np.zeros(self.imsizes[0]) self.eval_mask[13:self.imsizes[0][0] - 13, 140:self.imsizes[0][1] - 13] = 1 self.eval_mask = self.eval_mask.astype(np.bool) self.eval_h = self.imsizes[0][0] - 2 * 13 self.eval_w = self.imsizes[0][1] - 13 - 140 def get_train_set(self): train_set = dataset.TrackSynDataset(self.settings_path, self.train_paths, train=True, data_aug=True, track_length=self.track_length) return train_set def get_test_sets(self): test_sets = torchext.TestSets() test_set = dataset.TrackSynDataset(self.settings_path, self.test_paths, train=False, data_aug=True, track_length=1) test_sets.append('simple', test_set, test_frequency=1) self.ph_losses = [] self.ge_losses = [] self.d2ds = [] self.lcn_in ='cuda') for sidx in range(len(test_set.imsizes)): imsize = test_set.imsizes[sidx] pat = test_set.patterns[sidx] pat = pat.mean(axis=2) pat = torch.from_numpy(pat[None][None].astype(np.float32)).to('cuda') pat, _ = self.lcn_in(pat) pat =[pat for idx in range(3)], dim=1) ph_loss = networks.RectifiedPatternSimilarityLoss(imsize[0], imsize[1], pattern=pat) K = test_set.getK(sidx) Ki = np.linalg.inv(K) K = torch.from_numpy(K) Ki = torch.from_numpy(Ki) ge_loss = networks.ProjectionDepthSimilarityLoss(K, Ki, imsize[0], imsize[1], clamp=0.1) self.ph_losses.append(ph_loss) self.ge_losses.append(ge_loss) d2d = networks.DispToDepth(float(test_set.focal_lengths[sidx]), float(test_set.baseline)) self.d2ds.append(d2d) return test_sets def copy_data(self, data, device, requires_grad, train): = {} self.lcn_in = for key, val in data.items(): # from # batch_size x track_length x ... # to # track_length x batch_size x ... if len(val.shape) > 2: if train: val = val.transpose(0, 1) else: val = val.unsqueeze(0) grad = 'im' in key and requires_grad[key] = if 'im' in key and 'blend' not in key: im =[key] tl = im.shape[0] bs = im.shape[1] im_lcn, im_std = self.lcn_in(im.contiguous().view(-1, *im.shape[2:])) key_std = key.replace('im', 'std')[key_std] = im_std.view(tl, bs, *im.shape[2:]).to(device) im_cat =, bs, *im.shape[2:]), im), dim=2)[key] = im_cat def net_forward(self, net, train): im0 =['im0'] tl = im0.shape[0] bs = im0.shape[1] im0 = im0.view(-1, *im0.shape[2:]) out, edge = net(im0) if not (isinstance(out, tuple) or isinstance(out, list)): out = out.view(tl, bs, *out.shape[1:]) edge = edge.view(tl, bs, *out.shape[1:]) else: out = [o.view(tl, bs, *o.shape[1:]) for o in out] edge = [e.view(tl, bs, *e.shape[1:]) for e in edge] return out, edge def loss_forward(self, out, train): out, edge = out if not (isinstance(out, tuple) or isinstance(out, list)): out = [out] vals = [] diffs = [] # apply photometric loss for s, l, o in zip(itertools.count(), self.ph_losses, out): im =[f'im{s}'] im = im.view(-1, *im.shape[2:]) o = o.view(-1, *o.shape[2:]) std =[f'std{s}'] std = std.view(-1, *std.shape[2:]) val, pattern_proj = l(o, im[:, 0:1, ...], std) vals.append(val) if s == 0: self.pattern_proj = pattern_proj.detach() # apply disparity loss # 1-edge as ground truth edge if inversed edge0 = 1 - torch.sigmoid(edge[0]) edge0 = edge0.view(-1, *edge0.shape[2:]) out0 = out[0].view(-1, *out[0].shape[2:]) val = self.disparity_loss(out0, edge0) if self.dp_weight > 0: vals.append(val * self.dp_weight) # apply edge loss on a subset of training samples for s, e in zip(itertools.count(), edge): # inversed ground truth edge where 0 means edge grad =[f'grad{s}'] < 0.2 grad = ids =['id'] mask = ids > self.train_edge if mask.sum() > 0: e = e[:, mask, :] grad = grad[:, mask, :] e = e.view(-1, *e.shape[2:]) grad = grad.view(-1, *grad.shape[2:]) val = self.edge_loss(e, grad) else: val = torch.zeros_like(vals[0]) vals.append(val) if train is False: return vals # apply geometric loss R =['R'] t =['t'] ge_num = self.track_length * (self.track_length - 1) / 2 for sidx in range(len(out)): d2d = self.d2ds[sidx] depth = d2d(out[sidx]) ge_loss = self.ge_losses[sidx] imsize = self.imsizes[sidx] for tidx0 in range(depth.shape[0]): for tidx1 in range(tidx0 + 1, depth.shape[0]): depth0 = depth[tidx0] R0 = R[tidx0] t0 = t[tidx0] depth1 = depth[tidx1] R1 = R[tidx1] t1 = t[tidx1] val = ge_loss(depth0, depth1, R0, t0, R1, t1) vals.append(val * self.ge_weight / ge_num) return vals def numpy_in_out(self, output): output, edge = output if not (isinstance(output, tuple) or isinstance(output, list)): output = [output] es = output[0].detach().to('cpu').numpy() gt =['disp0'].to('cpu').numpy().astype(np.float32) im =['im0'][:, :, 0:1, ...].detach().to('cpu').numpy() ma = gt > 0 return es, gt, im, ma def write_img(self, out_path, es, gt, im, ma):'write img {out_path}') u_pos, _ = np.meshgrid(range(es.shape[1]), range(es.shape[0])) diff = np.abs(es - gt) vmin, vmax = np.nanmin(gt), np.nanmax(gt) vmin = vmin - 0.2 * (vmax - vmin) vmax = vmax + 0.2 * (vmax - vmin) pattern_proj ='cpu').numpy()[0, 0] im_orig =['im0'].detach().to('cpu').numpy()[0, 0, 0] pattern_diff = np.abs(im_orig - pattern_proj) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16)) es0 = co.cmap.color_depth_map(es[0], scale=vmax) gt0 = co.cmap.color_depth_map(gt[0], scale=vmax) diff0 = co.cmap.color_error_image(diff[0], BGR=True) # plot disparities, ground truth disparity is shown only for reference ax = plt.subplot(3, 3, 1); plt.imshow(es0[..., [2, 1, 0]]); plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([]); ax.set_title(f'F0 Disparity Est. {es0.min():.4f}/{es0.max():.4f}') ax = plt.subplot(3, 3, 2); plt.imshow(gt0[..., [2, 1, 0]]); plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([]); ax.set_title(f'F0 Disparity GT {np.nanmin(gt0):.4f}/{np.nanmax(gt0):.4f}') ax = plt.subplot(3, 3, 3); plt.imshow(diff0[..., [2, 1, 0]]); plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([]); ax.set_title(f'F0 Disparity Err. {diff0.mean():.5f}') # plot disparities of the second frame in the track if exists if es.shape[0] >= 2: es1 = co.cmap.color_depth_map(es[1], scale=vmax) gt1 = co.cmap.color_depth_map(gt[1], scale=vmax) diff1 = co.cmap.color_error_image(diff[1], BGR=True) ax = plt.subplot(3, 3, 4); plt.imshow(es1[..., [2, 1, 0]]); plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([]); ax.set_title(f'F1 Disparity Est. {es1.min():.4f}/{es1.max():.4f}') ax = plt.subplot(3, 3, 5); plt.imshow(gt1[..., [2, 1, 0]]); plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([]); ax.set_title(f'F1 Disparity GT {np.nanmin(gt1):.4f}/{np.nanmax(gt1):.4f}') ax = plt.subplot(3, 3, 6); plt.imshow(diff1[..., [2, 1, 0]]); plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([]); ax.set_title(f'F1 Disparity Err. {diff1.mean():.5f}') # plot normalized IR inputs ax = plt.subplot(3, 3, 7); plt.imshow(im[0], vmin=im.min(), vmax=im.max(), cmap='gray'); plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([]); ax.set_title(f'F0 IR input {im[0].mean():.5f}/{im[0].std():.5f}') if es.shape[0] >= 2: ax = plt.subplot(3, 3, 8); plt.imshow(im[1], vmin=im.min(), vmax=im.max(), cmap='gray'); plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([]); ax.set_title(f'F1 IR input {im[1].mean():.5f}/{im[1].std():.5f}') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(str(out_path)) plt.close(fig) def callback_train_post_backward(self, net, errs, output, epoch, batch_idx, masks): if batch_idx % 512 == 0: out_path = self.exp_out_root / f'train_{epoch:03d}_{batch_idx:04d}.png' es, gt, im, ma = self.numpy_in_out(output) masks = [m.detach().to('cpu').numpy() for m in masks] self.write_img(out_path, es[:, 0, 0], gt[:, 0, 0], im[:, 0, 0], ma[:, 0, 0]) def callback_test_start(self, epoch, set_idx): self.metric = co.metric.MultipleMetric( co.metric.DistanceMetric(vec_length=1), co.metric.OutlierFractionMetric(vec_length=1, thresholds=[0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 5]) ) def callback_test_add(self, epoch, set_idx, batch_idx, n_batches, output, masks): es, gt, im, ma = self.numpy_in_out(output) if batch_idx % 8 == 0: out_path = self.exp_out_root / f'test_{epoch:03d}_{batch_idx:04d}.png' self.write_img(out_path, es[:, 0, 0], gt[:, 0, 0], im[:, 0, 0], ma[:, 0, 0]) es, gt, im, ma = self.crop_output(es, gt, im, ma) es = es.reshape(-1, 1) gt = gt.reshape(-1, 1) ma = ma.ravel() self.metric.add(es, gt, ma) def callback_test_stop(self, epoch, set_idx, loss):'{self.metric}') for k, v in self.metric.items(): self.metric_add_test(epoch, set_idx, k, v) def crop_output(self, es, gt, im, ma): tl = es.shape[0] bs = es.shape[1] es = np.reshape(es[..., self.eval_mask], [tl * bs, 1, self.eval_h, self.eval_w]) gt = np.reshape(gt[..., self.eval_mask], [tl * bs, 1, self.eval_h, self.eval_w]) im = np.reshape(im[..., self.eval_mask], [tl * bs, 1, self.eval_h, self.eval_w]) ma = np.reshape(ma[..., self.eval_mask], [tl * bs, 1, self.eval_h, self.eval_w]) return es, gt, im, ma if __name__ == '__main__': pass