You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

455 lines
16 KiB

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import enum
import itertools
class Table(object):
def __init__(self, n_cols):
self.n_cols = n_cols
self.rows = []
self.aligns = ['r' for c in range(n_cols)]
def get_cell_align(self, r, c):
align = self.rows[r].cells[c].align
if align is None:
return self.aligns[c]
return align
def add_row(self, row):
if row.ncols() != self.n_cols:
raise Exception(f'row has invalid number of cols, {row.ncols()} vs. {self.n_cols}')
def empty_row(self):
return Row.Empty(self.n_cols)
def expand_rows(self, n_add_cols=1):
if n_add_cols < 0: raise Exception('n_add_cols has to be positive')
self.n_cols += n_add_cols
for row in self.rows:
row.cells.extend([Cell() for cidx in range(n_add_cols)])
def add_block(self, data, row=-1, col=0, fmt=None, expand=False):
if row < 0: row = len(self.rows)
while len(self.rows) < row + len(data):
for r in range(len(data)):
cols = data[r]
if col + len(cols) > self.n_cols:
if expand:
self.expand_rows(col + len(cols) - self.n_cols)
raise Exception('number of cols does not fit in table')
for c in range(len(cols)):
self.rows[row + r].cells[col + c] = Cell(data[r][c], fmt)
class Row(object):
def __init__(self, cells, pre_separator=None, post_separator=None):
self.cells = cells
self.pre_separator = pre_separator
self.post_separator = post_separator
def Empty(cls, n_cols):
return Row([Cell() for c in range(n_cols)])
def add_cell(self, cell):
def ncols(self):
return sum([c.span for c in self.cells])
class Color(object):
def __init__(self, color=(0, 0, 0), fmt='rgb'):
if fmt == 'rgb':
self.color = color
elif fmt == 'RGB':
self.color = tuple(c / 255 for c in color)
return Exception('invalid color format')
def as_rgb(self):
return self.color
def as_RGB(self):
return tuple(int(c * 255) for c in self.color)
def rgb(cls, r, g, b):
return Color(color=(r, g, b), fmt='rgb')
def RGB(cls, r, g, b):
return Color(color=(r, g, b), fmt='RGB')
class CellFormat(object):
def __init__(self, fmt='%s', fgcolor=None, bgcolor=None, bold=False):
self.fmt = fmt
self.fgcolor = fgcolor
self.bgcolor = bgcolor
self.bold = bold
class Cell(object):
def __init__(self, data=None, fmt=None, span=1, align=None): = data
if fmt is None:
fmt = CellFormat()
self.fmt = fmt
self.span = span
self.align = align
def __str__(self):
return self.fmt.fmt %
class Separator(enum.Enum):
HEAD = 1
class Renderer(object):
def __init__(self):
def cell_str_len(self, cell):
return len(str(cell))
def col_widths(self, table):
widths = [0 for c in range(table.n_cols)]
for row in table.rows:
cidx = 0
for cell in row.cells:
if cell.span == 1:
strlen = self.cell_str_len(cell)
widths[cidx] = max(widths[cidx], strlen)
cidx += cell.span
return widths
def render(self, table):
raise NotImplementedError('not implemented')
def __call__(self, table):
return self.render(table)
def render_to_file_comment(self):
return ''
def render_to_file(self, path, table):
txt = self.render(table)
with open(path, 'w') as fp:
class TerminalRenderer(Renderer):
def __init__(self, col_sep=' '):
self.col_sep = col_sep
def render_cell(self, table, row, col, widths):
cell = table.rows[row].cells[col]
str = cell.fmt.fmt %
str_width = len(str)
cell_width = sum([widths[idx] for idx in range(col, col + cell.span)])
cell_width += len(self.col_sep) * (cell.span - 1)
if len(str) > cell_width:
str = str[:cell_width]
if cell.fmt.bold:
# str = sty.ef.bold + str +
# str = sty.ef.bold + str +
if cell.fmt.fgcolor is not None:
# color = cell.fmt.fgcolor.as_RGB()
# str = sty.fg(*color) + str +
if str_width < cell_width:
n_ws = (cell_width - str_width)
if table.get_cell_align(row, col) == 'r':
str = ' ' * n_ws + str
elif table.get_cell_align(row, col) == 'l':
str = str + ' ' * n_ws
elif table.get_cell_align(row, col) == 'c':
n_ws1 = n_ws // 2
n_ws0 = n_ws - n_ws1
str = ' ' * n_ws0 + str + ' ' * n_ws1
if cell.fmt.bgcolor is not None:
# color = cell.fmt.bgcolor.as_RGB()
# str =*color) + str +
return str
def render_separator(self, separator, tab, col_widths, total_width):
if separator == Separator.HEAD:
return '=' * total_width
elif separator == Separator.INNER:
return '-' * total_width
elif separator == Separator.BOTTOM:
return '=' * total_width
def render(self, table):
widths = self.col_widths(table)
total_width = sum(widths) + len(self.col_sep) * (table.n_cols - 1)
lines = []
for ridx, row in enumerate(table.rows):
if row.pre_separator is not None:
sepline = self.render_separator(row.pre_separator, table, widths, total_width)
if len(sepline) > 0:
line = []
for cidx, cell in enumerate(row.cells):
line.append(self.render_cell(table, ridx, cidx, widths))
if row.post_separator is not None:
sepline = self.render_separator(row.post_separator, table, widths, total_width)
if len(sepline) > 0:
return '\n'.join(lines)
class MarkdownRenderer(TerminalRenderer):
def __init__(self):
self.printed_color_warning = False
def print_color_warning(self):
if not self.printed_color_warning:
print('[WARNING] MarkdownRenderer does not support color yet')
self.printed_color_warning = True
def cell_str_len(self, cell):
strlen = len(str(cell))
if cell.fmt.bold:
strlen += 4
strlen = max(5, strlen)
return strlen
def render_cell(self, table, row, col, widths):
cell = table.rows[row].cells[col]
str = cell.fmt.fmt %
if cell.fmt.bold:
str = f'**{str}**'
str_width = len(str)
cell_width = sum([widths[idx] for idx in range(col, col + cell.span)])
cell_width += len(self.col_sep) * (cell.span - 1)
if len(str) > cell_width:
str = str[:cell_width]
n_ws = (cell_width - str_width)
if table.get_cell_align(row, col) == 'r':
str = ' ' * n_ws + str
elif table.get_cell_align(row, col) == 'l':
str = str + ' ' * n_ws
elif table.get_cell_align(row, col) == 'c':
n_ws1 = n_ws // 2
n_ws0 = n_ws - n_ws1
str = ' ' * n_ws0 + str + ' ' * n_ws1
if col == 0: str = self.col_sep + str
if col == table.n_cols - 1: str += self.col_sep
if cell.fmt.fgcolor is not None:
if cell.fmt.bgcolor is not None:
return str
def render_separator(self, separator, tab, widths, total_width):
sep = ''
if separator == Separator.INNER:
sep = self.col_sep
for idx, width in enumerate(widths):
csep = '-' * (width - 2)
if tab.get_cell_align(1, idx) == 'r':
csep = '-' + csep + ':'
elif tab.get_cell_align(1, idx) == 'l':
csep = ':' + csep + '-'
elif tab.get_cell_align(1, idx) == 'c':
csep = ':' + csep + ':'
sep += csep + self.col_sep
return sep
class LatexRenderer(Renderer):
def __init__(self):
def render_cell(self, table, row, col):
cell = table.rows[row].cells[col]
str = cell.fmt.fmt %
if cell.fmt.bold:
str = '{\\bf ' + str + '}'
if cell.fmt.fgcolor is not None:
color = cell.fmt.fgcolor.as_rgb()
str = f'{{\\color[rgb]{{{color[0]},{color[1]},{color[2]}}} ' + str + '}'
if cell.fmt.bgcolor is not None:
color = cell.fmt.bgcolor.as_rgb()
str = f'\\cellcolor[rgb]{{{color[0]},{color[1]},{color[2]}}} ' + str
align = table.get_cell_align(row, col)
if cell.span != 1 or align != table.aligns[col]:
str = f'\\multicolumn{{{cell.span}}}{{{align}}}{{{str}}}'
return str
def render_separator(self, separator):
if separator == Separator.HEAD:
return '\\toprule'
elif separator == Separator.INNER:
return '\\midrule'
elif separator == Separator.BOTTOM:
return '\\bottomrule'
def render(self, table):
lines = ['\\begin{tabular}{' + ''.join(table.aligns) + '}']
for ridx, row in enumerate(table.rows):
if row.pre_separator is not None:
line = []
for cidx, cell in enumerate(row.cells):
line.append(self.render_cell(table, ridx, cidx))
lines.append(' & '.join(line) + ' \\\\')
if row.post_separator is not None:
return '\n'.join(lines)
class HtmlRenderer(Renderer):
def __init__(self, html_class='result_table'):
self.html_class = html_class
def render_cell(self, table, row, col):
cell = table.rows[row].cells[col]
str = cell.fmt.fmt %
styles = []
if cell.fmt.bold:
styles.append('font-weight: bold;')
if cell.fmt.fgcolor is not None:
color = cell.fmt.fgcolor.as_RGB()
styles.append(f'color: rgb({color[0]},{color[1]},{color[2]});')
if cell.fmt.bgcolor is not None:
color = cell.fmt.bgcolor.as_RGB()
styles.append(f'background-color: rgb({color[0]},{color[1]},{color[2]});')
align = table.get_cell_align(row, col)
if align == 'l':
align = 'left'
elif align == 'r':
align = 'right'
elif align == 'c':
align = 'center'
raise Exception('invalid align')
styles.append(f'text-align: {align};')
row = table.rows[row]
if row.pre_separator is not None:
styles.append(f'border-top: {self.render_separator(row.pre_separator)};')
if row.post_separator is not None:
styles.append(f'border-bottom: {self.render_separator(row.post_separator)};')
style = ' '.join(styles)
str = f' <td style="{style}" colspan="{cell.span}">{str}</td>\n'
return str
def render_separator(self, separator):
if separator == Separator.HEAD:
return '1.5pt solid black'
elif separator == Separator.INNER:
return '0.75pt solid black'
elif separator == Separator.BOTTOM:
return '1.5pt solid black'
def render(self, table):
lines = [f'<table width="100%" style="border-collapse: collapse" class={self.html_class}>']
for ridx, row in enumerate(table.rows):
line = [f' <tr>\n']
for cidx, cell in enumerate(row.cells):
line.append(self.render_cell(table, ridx, cidx))
line.append(' </tr>\n')
lines.append(' '.join(line))
return '\n'.join(lines)
def pandas_to_table(rowname, colname, valname, data, val_cell_fmt=CellFormat(fmt='%.4f'),
best_val_cell_fmt=CellFormat(fmt='%.4f', bold=True), best_is_max=[]):
rnames = data[rowname].unique()
cnames = data[colname].unique()
tab = Table(1 + len(cnames))
header = [Cell('', align='r')]
header.extend([Cell(h, align='r') for h in cnames])
header = Row(header, pre_separator=Separator.HEAD, post_separator=Separator.INNER)
for rname in rnames:
cells = [Cell(rname, align='l')]
for cname in cnames:
cdata = data[data[colname] == cname]
if cname in best_is_max:
bestval = cdata[valname].max()
val = cdata[cdata[rowname] == rname][valname].max()
bestval = cdata[valname].min()
val = cdata[cdata[rowname] == rname][valname].min()
if val == bestval:
fmt = best_val_cell_fmt
fmt = val_cell_fmt
cells.append(Cell(val, align='r', fmt=fmt))
tab.rows[-1].post_separator = Separator.BOTTOM
return tab
if __name__ == '__main__':
# df = pd.read_pickle('full.df')
# best_is_max = ['movF0.5', 'movF1.0']
# tab = pandas_to_table(rowname='method', colname='metric', valname='val', data=df, best_is_max=best_is_max)
# renderer = TerminalRenderer()
# print(renderer(tab))
tab = Table(7)
# header = Row([Cell('header', span=7, align='c')], pre_separator=Separator.HEAD, post_separator=Separator.INNER)
# tab.add_row(header)
# header2 = Row([Cell('thisisaverylongheader', span=4, align='c'), Cell('vals2', span=3, align='c')], post_separator=Separator.INNER)
# tab.add_row(header2)
tab.add_row(Row([Cell(f'c{c}') for c in range(7)]))
tab.rows[-1].post_separator = Separator.INNER
tab.add_block(np.arange(15 * 7).reshape(15, 7))
tab.rows[4].cells[2].fmt = CellFormat(bold=True)
tab.rows[2].cells[1].fmt = CellFormat(fgcolor=Color.rgb(0.2, 0.6, 0.1))
tab.rows[2].cells[2].fmt = CellFormat(bgcolor=Color.rgb(0.7, 0.1, 0.5))
tab.rows[5].cells[3].fmt = CellFormat(bold=True, bgcolor=Color.rgb(0.7, 0.1, 0.5), fgcolor=Color.rgb(0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
tab.rows[-1].post_separator = Separator.BOTTOM
renderer = TerminalRenderer()
renderer = MarkdownRenderer()
# renderer = HtmlRenderer()
# html_tab = renderer(tab)
# print(html_tab)
# with open('test.html', 'w') as fp:
# fp.write(html_tab)
# import latex
# renderer = LatexRenderer()
# ltx_tab = renderer(tab)
# print(ltx_tab)
# with open('test.tex', 'w') as fp:
# latex.write_doc_prefix(fp, document_class='article')
# fp.write('this is text that should appear before the table and should be long enough to wrap around.\n'*40)
# fp.write('\\begin{table}')
# fp.write(ltx_tab)
# fp.write('\\end{table}')
# fp.write('this is text that should appear after the table and should be long enough to wrap around.\n'*40)
# latex.write_doc_suffix(fp)