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#ifndef RENDER_H
#define RENDER_H
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include "co_types.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "geometry.h"
template <typename T>
struct Camera {
const T fx;
const T fy;
const T px;
const T py;
const T R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8;
const T t0, t1, t2;
const T C0, C1, C2;
const int height;
const int width;
Camera(const T fx, const T fy, const T px, const T py, const T* R, const T* t, int width, int height) :
fx(fx), fy(fy), px(px), py(py),
R0(R[0]), R1(R[1]), R2(R[2]), R3(R[3]), R4(R[4]), R5(R[5]), R6(R[6]), R7(R[7]), R8(R[8]),
t0(t[0]), t1(t[1]), t2(t[2]),
C0(-(R[0] * t[0] + R[3] * t[1] + R[6] * t[2])),
C1(-(R[1] * t[0] + R[4] * t[1] + R[7] * t[2])),
C2(-(R[2] * t[0] + R[5] * t[1] + R[8] * t[2])),
height(height), width(width)
inline void to_cam(const T* x, T* y) const {
y[0] = R0 * x[0] + R1 * x[1] + R2 * x[2] + t0;
y[1] = R3 * x[0] + R4 * x[1] + R5 * x[2] + t1;
y[2] = R6 * x[0] + R7 * x[1] + R8 * x[2] + t2;
inline void to_world(const T* x, T* y) const {
y[0] = R0 * (x[0] - t0) + R3 * (x[1] - t1) + R6 * (x[2] - t2);
y[1] = R1 * (x[0] - t0) + R4 * (x[1] - t1) + R7 * (x[2] - t2);
y[2] = R2 * (x[0] - t0) + R5 * (x[1] - t1) + R8 * (x[2] - t2);
inline void to_ray(const int h, const int w, T* dir) const {
T uhat[2];
uhat[0] = (w - px) / fx;
uhat[1] = (h - py) / fy;
dir[0] = R0 * (uhat[0]) + R3 * (uhat[1]) + R6;
dir[1] = R1 * (uhat[0]) + R4 * (uhat[1]) + R7;
dir[2] = R2 * (uhat[0]) + R5 * (uhat[1]) + R8;
inline void to_2d(const T* xyz, T* u, T* v, T* d) const {
T xyz_t[3];
to_cam(xyz, xyz_t);
*u = fx * xyz_t[0] + px * xyz_t[2];
*v = fy * xyz_t[1] + py * xyz_t[2];
*d = xyz_t[2];
*u /= *d;
*v /= *d;
inline void get_C(T* C) const {
C[0] = C0;
C[1] = C1;
C[2] = C2;
inline int num_pixel() const {
return height * width;
template <typename T>
struct RenderInput {
T* verts;
T* colors;
T* normals;
int n_verts;
int* faces;
int n_faces;
RenderInput() : verts(nullptr), colors(nullptr), normals(nullptr), n_verts(0), faces(nullptr), n_faces(0) {}
template <typename T>
struct Buffer {
T* depth;
T* color;
T* normal;
Buffer() : depth(nullptr), color(nullptr), normal(nullptr) {}
template <typename T>
struct Shader {
const T ka;
const T kd;
const T ks;
const T alpha;
Shader(T ka, T kd, T ks, T alpha) : ka(ka), kd(kd), ks(ks), alpha(alpha) {}
T operator()(const T* orig, const T* sp, const T* lp, const T* norm) const {
return reflectance_phong(orig, sp, lp, norm, ka, kd, ks, alpha);
template <typename T>
class BaseRenderer {
const Camera<T> cam;
const Shader<T> shader;
Buffer<T> buffer;
BaseRenderer(const Camera<T> cam, const Shader<T> shader, Buffer<T> buffer) : cam(cam), shader(shader), buffer(buffer) {
virtual ~BaseRenderer() {}
virtual void render_mesh(const RenderInput<T> input) = 0;
virtual void render_mesh_proj(const RenderInput<T> input, const Camera<T> proj, const float* pattern, float d_alpha, float d_beta) = 0;
template <typename T>
struct RenderFunctor {
const Camera<T> cam;
const Shader<T> shader;
Buffer<T> buffer;
RenderFunctor(const Camera<T> cam, const Shader<T> shader, Buffer<T> buffer) : cam(cam), shader(shader), buffer(buffer) {}
template <typename T>
struct RenderMeshFunctor : public RenderFunctor<T> {
const RenderInput<T> input;
RenderMeshFunctor(const RenderInput<T> input, const Shader<T> shader, const Camera<T> cam, Buffer<T> buffer) : RenderFunctor<T>(cam, shader,buffer), input(input) {
CPU_GPU_FUNCTION void operator()(const int idx) {
int h = idx / this->cam.width;
int w = idx % this->cam.width;
T orig[3];
T dir[3];
this->cam.to_ray(h, w, dir);
int face_idx;
T t, tu, tv;
bool valid = ray_triangle_mesh_intersect_3d(orig, dir, this->input.faces, this->input.n_faces, this->input.verts, &face_idx, &t, &tu, &tv);
if(this->buffer.depth != nullptr) {
this->buffer.depth[idx] = valid ? t : -1;
if(!valid) {
if(this->buffer.color != nullptr) {
this->buffer.color[idx * 3 + 0] = 0;
this->buffer.color[idx * 3 + 1] = 0;
this->buffer.color[idx * 3 + 2] = 0;
if(this->buffer.normal != nullptr) {
this->buffer.normal[idx * 3 + 0] = 0;
this->buffer.normal[idx * 3 + 1] = 0;
this->buffer.normal[idx * 3 + 2] = 0;
else if(this->buffer.normal != nullptr || this->buffer.color != nullptr) {
const int* face = input.faces + face_idx * 3;
T tw = 1 - tu - tv;
T norm[3];
vec_fill(norm, 0.f);
vec_add(1.f, norm, tu, this->input.normals + face[0] * 3, norm);
vec_add(1.f, norm, tv, this->input.normals + face[1] * 3, norm);
vec_add(1.f, norm, tw, this->input.normals + face[2] * 3, norm);
if(vec_dot(norm, dir) > 0) {
vec_mul_scalar(norm, -1.f, norm);
if(this->buffer.normal != nullptr) {
this->buffer.normal[idx * 3 + 0] = norm[0];
this->buffer.normal[idx * 3 + 1] = norm[1];
this->buffer.normal[idx * 3 + 2] = norm[2];
if(this->buffer.color != nullptr) {
T color[3];
vec_fill(color, 0.f);
vec_add(1.f, color, tu, this->input.colors + face[0] * 3, color);
vec_add(1.f, color, tv, this->input.colors + face[1] * 3, color);
vec_add(1.f, color, tw, this->input.colors + face[2] * 3, color);
T sp[3];
vec_add(1.f, orig, t, dir, sp);
T reflectance = this->shader(orig, sp, orig, norm);
this->buffer.color[idx * 3 + 0] = mmin(1.f, mmax(0.f, reflectance * color[0]));
this->buffer.color[idx * 3 + 1] = mmin(1.f, mmax(0.f, reflectance * color[1]));
this->buffer.color[idx * 3 + 2] = mmin(1.f, mmax(0.f, reflectance * color[2]));
template <typename T, int n=3>
inline void interpolate_linear(const T* im, T x, T y, int height, int width, T* out_vec) {
int x1 = int(x);
int y1 = int(y);
int x2 = x1 + 1;
int y2 = y1 + 1;
T denom = (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1);
T t11 = (x2 - x) * (y2 - y);
T t21 = (x - x1) * (y2 - y);
T t12 = (x2 - x) * (y - y1);
T t22 = (x - x1) * (y - y1);
x1 = mmin(mmax(x1, int(0)), width-1);
x2 = mmin(mmax(x2, int(0)), width-1);
y1 = mmin(mmax(y1, int(0)), height-1);
y2 = mmin(mmax(y2, int(0)), height-1);
for(int idx = 0; idx < n; ++idx) {
out_vec[idx] = (im[(y1 * width + x1) * 3 + idx] * t11 +
im[(y2 * width + x1) * 3 + idx] * t12 +
im[(y1 * width + x2) * 3 + idx] * t21 +
im[(y2 * width + x2) * 3 + idx] * t22) / denom;
template <typename T>
struct RenderProjectorFunctor : public RenderFunctor<T> {
const RenderInput<T> input;
const Camera<T> proj;
const float* pattern;
const float d_alpha;
const float d_beta;
RenderProjectorFunctor(const RenderInput<T> input, const Shader<T> shader, const Camera<T> cam, const Camera<T> proj, const float* pattern, float d_alpha, float d_beta, Buffer<T> buffer) : RenderFunctor<T>(cam, shader, buffer), input(input), proj(proj), pattern(pattern), d_alpha(d_alpha), d_beta(d_beta) {
CPU_GPU_FUNCTION void operator()(const int idx) {
int h = idx / this->cam.width;
int w = idx % this->cam.width;
T orig[3];
T dir[3];
this->cam.to_ray(h, w, dir);
int face_idx;
T t, tu, tv;
bool valid = ray_triangle_mesh_intersect_3d(orig, dir, this->input.faces, this->input.n_faces, this->input.verts, &face_idx, &t, &tu, &tv);
if(this->buffer.depth != nullptr) {
this->buffer.depth[idx] = valid ? t : -1;
this->buffer.color[idx * 3 + 0] = 0;
this->buffer.color[idx * 3 + 1] = 0;
this->buffer.color[idx * 3 + 2] = 0;
if(valid) {
if(this->buffer.normal != nullptr) {
const int* face = input.faces + face_idx * 3;
T tw = 1 - tu - tv;
T norm[3];
this->input.verts + face[0] * 3,
this->input.verts + face[1] * 3,
this->input.verts + face[2] * 3,
vec_normalize(norm, norm);
if(vec_dot(norm, dir) > 0) {
vec_mul_scalar(norm, -1.f, norm);
T color[3];
vec_fill(color, 0.f);
vec_add(1.f, color, tu, this->input.colors + face[0] * 3, color);
vec_add(1.f, color, tv, this->input.colors + face[1] * 3, color);
vec_add(1.f, color, tw, this->input.colors + face[2] * 3, color);
T sp[3];
vec_add(1.f, orig, t, dir, sp);
T reflectance = this->shader(orig, sp, orig, norm);
this->buffer.normal[idx * 3 + 0] = mmin(1.f, mmax(0.f, reflectance * color[0]));
this->buffer.normal[idx * 3 + 1] = mmin(1.f, mmax(0.f, reflectance * color[1]));
this->buffer.normal[idx * 3 + 2] = mmin(1.f, mmax(0.f, reflectance * color[2]));
// get 3D point
T pt[3];
vec_mul_scalar(dir, t, pt);
vec_add(orig, pt, pt);
// get dir from proj
T proj_orig[3];
T proj_dir[3];
vec_sub(pt, proj_orig, proj_dir);
vec_div_scalar(proj_dir, proj_dir[2], proj_dir);
// check if it hit same tria
int p_face_idx;
T p_t, p_tu, p_tv;
valid = ray_triangle_mesh_intersect_3d(proj_orig, proj_dir, this->input.faces, this->input.n_faces, this->input.verts, &p_face_idx, &p_t, &p_tu, &p_tv);
// if(!valid || p_face_idx != face_idx) {
// return;
// }
T p_pt[3];
vec_mul_scalar(proj_dir, p_t, p_pt);
vec_add(proj_orig, p_pt, p_pt);
T diff[3];
vec_sub(p_pt, pt, diff);
if(!valid || vec_norm(diff) > 1e-5) {
// get uv in proj
T u,v,d;
proj.to_2d(p_pt, &u,&v,&d);
// if valid u,v than use it to inpaint
if(u >= 0 && v >= 0 && u < this->proj.width && v < this->proj.height) {
// int pattern_idx = ((int(v) * this->proj.width) + int(u)) * 3;
// this->buffer.color[idx * 3 + 0] = pattern[pattern_idx + 0];
// this->buffer.color[idx * 3 + 1] = pattern[pattern_idx + 1];
// this->buffer.color[idx * 3 + 2] = pattern[pattern_idx + 2];
interpolate_linear(pattern, u, v, this->proj.height, this->proj.width, this->buffer.color + idx * 3);
// decay based on distance
T decay = d_alpha + d_beta * d;
decay *= decay;
decay = mmax(decay, T(1));
vec_div_scalar(this->buffer.color + idx * 3, decay, this->buffer.color + idx * 3);