nkoch001 6 years ago
parent 854fdfb6b1
commit a61f0f7d29
  1. 10
  2. 1
  3. 6
  4. 103
  5. 13
  6. 8
  7. 9
  8. 267
  9. 4
  10. 6
  11. 42

.gitignore vendored

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
tally/target/ rust/tally/target/
tally/Cargo.lock rust/tally/Cargo.lock
rabbits/target/ rust/rabbits/target/
rabbits/Cargo.lock rust/rabbits/Cargo.lock

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ def roll(number, sides):
print(res, ":", *throws) print(res, ":", *throws)
return res return res
def parselist(path): def parselist(path):
""" """
parse a list containing dice rolls (one per line) a la parse a list containing dice rolls (one per line) a la

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
name = "rabbits"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Cpt. Captain <>"]

@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
use std::{thread, time, io};
fn init(male: i128, female: i128, needed_alive: i128) -> ([i128; 96], [i128; 96], i128){
let mut m: [i128; 96] = [0; 96];
let mut f: [i128; 96] = [0; 96];
m[2] = male;
f[2] = female;
return (m, f, needed_alive);
// reproduce, by letting all females 4 months and over have 9 female and 5 male descendants
// fn reproduce(m_pop: [i128; 96], f_pop: [i128; 96]) -> ([i128; 96], [i128;96], i128, i128) {
fn reproduce(m_pop: [i128; 96], f_pop: [i128; 96]) -> (i128, i128) {
let mut res_m = 0;
let mut res_f = 0;
let f_iter = f_pop.iter().enumerate();
for (i, count) in f_iter {
if i < 95 && i > 3{
// res_f[0] = res_f[0] + count * 9;
// res_m[0] = res_m[0] + count * 5;
res_m = res_m + count * 5;
res_f = res_f + count * 9;
return (res_m, res_f);
// age the bunny population by shifting the array one to the right
fn age(m_pop: [i128; 96], f_pop: [i128; 96], new_males: i128, new_females: i128) -> ([i128; 96], [i128; 96]){
let mut res_m: [i128; 96] = [0; 96];
let mut res_f: [i128; 96] = [0; 96];
res_m[0] = new_males;
res_f[0] = new_females;
let f_iter = f_pop.iter().enumerate();
let m_iter = m_pop.iter().enumerate();
for (i, count) in f_iter {
if i < 95{
res_f[i+1] = *count;
for (i, count) in m_iter {
if i < 95{
res_m[i+1] = *count;
return (res_m, res_f);
fn main() {
// this whole part is just for reading from stdin...
let mut input_m = String::new();
let mut input_f = String::new();
let mut input_n = String::new();
println!("Enter the number of male rabbits to start with:");
io::stdin().read_line(&mut input_m).expect("failed to read input");
println!("Enter the number of female rabbits to start with:");
io::stdin().read_line(&mut input_f).expect("failed to read input");
println!("Enter the number of rabbits you want to reach:");
io::stdin().read_line(&mut input_n).expect("failed to read input");
let trim_m = input_m.trim();
let trim_f = input_f.trim();
let trim_n = input_n.trim();
let trims = vec!(trim_m, trim_f, trim_n);
let mut mf: Vec<i128> = vec!(10, 10, 10000);
for (i, trim) in trims.iter().enumerate() {
let g = &trim.parse::<i128>().unwrap_or(20);
mf[i] = *g;
// . up until here
let (mut m, mut f, n_a) = init(mf[0], mf[1], mf[2]);
let mut sum_male: i128 = m.iter().sum();
let mut sum_female: i128 = f.iter().sum();
let mut sum = sum_male + sum_female;
// println!("There are now {} rabbits alive!", sum);
let mut i = 0;
while sum < n_a {
// this handling of tuples sucks, there's gotta be a better way...
let (r_m, r_f) = reproduce(m, f);
let (r_m, r_f) = age(m, f, r_m, r_f);
m = r_m;
f = r_f;
sum_male = m.iter().sum();
sum_female = f.iter().sum();
sum = sum_male + sum_female;
println!("There are now {} rabbits alive! {} males and {} females", sum, sum_male, sum_female);
i += 1;
println!("It took {} months!", i);

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
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tally/Cargo.lock generated

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
name = "tally"
version = "0.1.0"

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
name = "tally"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Cpt.Captain <>"]

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
// this is pretty much my first rust program
fn main() {
let input = "EbAAdbBEaBaaBBdAccbeebaec";
println!("Tallying {}", input);
let player_list = String::from(init_player_list(input.to_string()));
println!("These people are playing: {}", player_list);
let tally = tally(player_list, input.to_string());
println!("These are their scores:");
println!("{:?}", tally);
// get all distinct characters
fn init_player_list(input: String) -> String{
let mut result = String::new();
let ch = input.chars();
for cha in ch{
let lch = cha.to_lowercase().next().unwrap();
if !result.contains(lch){
return result
// tally each players scores
// lowercase => +1 point
// uppercase => -1 point
fn tally(player_list: String, tally: String) -> Vec<(char, i32)>{
let mut v: Vec<(char, i32)> = Vec::new();
for (_i, player) in player_list.chars().enumerate() {
let count = (tally.matches(player).count() as i32) - (tally.matches(player
.to_uppercase().next().unwrap()).count() as i32);
v.push((player, count));
v.sort_by_key(|v| v.1);
return v